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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
AMERICAN center for languag 16
AMRUTHADHARA for health 32
ANURAG hospital for childre 42
APEX a famous for purity 30
AQSA tip for top hair +woma 3, 5
ARAMUSK COOL deo for men 3
AROGYAM for all times 16
ARTCCOT mark for quality 18
AT&S we work for people 16
AUDIO for eye-fi sound 9
AVESTHAGEN seed for food 42
AXSGLOW needs for lifestyle 18
AYURHERB herbs for life 32
BABYPALI massage oil for al 5
BAJAJ NOMARKS for all skin 3
BAJAJ NOMARKS for dry skin 3, 5
BAJAJ NOMARKS for oily skin 3, 5
BANDAY'S pure for sure 30
BASIX for modern living 35, 37
BATA shoes for life 25
BAUER for a green world 7
BC books for change +book 16
BDM care's for you +circle 11
BETRONS for better life 11
BODHI space for learning 16
BONNE for babies 25
BRUT for males 25
BT & BT for better tomorrow 41
C we care for your health 11
CARAVAN for you 3
CARTIER best for the world 25
CASTELLAN for your campus 9
CAT center for anti-virus 16
CATSUIT for men 3
CEE center for education 41
CEEDD open for innovation 9
CHAMP eyewear for kids 9
COPPER for the mettle in yo 25
CORTIZONE for kids 5
CPMT centre for pre medical 16
CREATIVITY for kids 28
D4U (dresses for you) 24
DASS for exclusive quality 12
DEEPAM lights for splendour 35
DEL for the next generation 20
DEPANE for joint pain +oval 5
DEVSATYA for sugar control 5
DICO for a world wide good 20
DISHA for assured success 16
DON for the hard worker 3
DULHAN dream for every woma 14
DURGA good for health +woma 30
E-VARSITY erp for education 9
EDEN'S tea choice for healt 30
EMAMI for men 3
EMAMI for u 21
EMAMI spirit for man 5
EQ for better entertainment 16
ERECTOL only for men 3, 5
ET : FYEO for your eyes onl 16
F centre for film and drama 16, 35
FALCON machine for man kind 7
FIHH best for the rest 16
FIT-N-FINE soda for cheers! 32
FORHANS'S good for gums 3
FUNDEEZ innerwear for kids 25
FURDO interiors for world 16, 35, 36, 37
GAMES for all ages 25
GARNIER skin for men 3
GK RUCHIRA for royal kitche 29
GOOD LIFE for medicines 42
GREEN TOKRI food for life 31
GVM good value for money 5
H4U hits for you +oval 25
HAV for every home +triangl 7, 9, 11
HAZ indian t-shirt for gals 25
HELPINGHANDS for the needy 36, 41, 42
HINAZULFI tonic for hair 3
HONEYBEE for girls +bee 25
HSM people shop for value 25
HYDRATE water for your soul 32
I'M center for applied arts 16
I'M centre for applied arts 14
IILM institute for business 36
IM center for applied arts 20
INDO BIOCARE for better car 5
INFINITY fashion for ever 25
INNOLUX lights for life 11
IRIS career options for you 16
IST trust for the best 37
IT certificate for panchaya 41
IVANO a passion for fashion 24
IXOGEL for all kinds of pai 5
J4U just for you 25
JAGUAR plus for men +cat 25
JE briefs for awakened soul 25
JFK-just for kids 18
JFU just for u 25
JFW just for women 16
JKM caring for customers 36, 37
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